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Advanced Professional Intercom Systems


RTS is an industry leader in the design and manufacture of professional intercom solutions, with over 40 years’ experience in the market. From systems used for smaller in-house productions to the Advanced Digital Audio Matrix (ADAM) systems used to coordinate major network broadcasts of the world’s largest events, RTS is dedicated to innovating the future of global communications.

Let's Talk IP

Let's Talk IP

Today, our latest generation of advanced digital audio matrix and keypanel products is based upon the uniquely powerful and flexible OMNEO IP technology for media transmission and system control. The OMNEO media networking architecture has full support for Dante+OCA, ST 2110, AES67, AES70, as well as the broadly available Dante™ from Audinate. This easy to use approach provides users with the interoperability to interface with other devices throughout their network.


SMPTE ST 2110 Channel-by-Channel

Our implementation of the SMPTE ST 2110 suite of standards helps professionals communicate and share content between different kinds of devices more easily and efficiently than ever before.

OMNEO System Diagram

Internal Local Network Communication

OMNEO is an evolutionary solution for connecting devices over IP to exchange information including control and audio content for use in applications such as pro audio, public address, intercom, and conferencing.


Cloud-Based Communication

Your private matrix communications cloud and interoperability solution is ideal for interfacing communications systems from disparate locations.

Intercom user in a broadcast control room

AIO Audio

An analog Input Output (AIO) card establishes bidirectional links to send and receive analog audio between a digital matrix and keypanels or generic analog devices. Each audio connection uses a twisted pair of wires, and the electrical signal is electronically balanced. This allows analog audio to be sent over long distance without noise or other audio artifacts. AIO is supported by all RTS keypanels, including legacy panels. AIO can use an RJ12 or an RJ45 connector.


All the latest software & firmware releases from RTS in one convenient package

All the latest software & firmware releases from RTS in one convenient package. The latest version includes:

  • DSPK4 support in AZedit , IPedit and ODIN and OMI
  • NMOS proxy release (please find attached the Application note for RTS NMOS Proxy as well)
  • Third party Dante Call light box support – the software was tested with Glen Sound and Studio Technologies Dante call light box. (already on demo at NAB)
  • SDP - copy and paste support in IPedit introduced


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