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RTS OMNEO Main Station connects medical professionals in France

RTS OMNEO Main Station connects medical professionals in France
  • OMNEO Main Station (OMS) connects two hospitals in Toulouse via RVON (RTS Voice Over Network) for medical conference
  • KP-Series keypanels and ROAMEO DECT-based intercom system combine with OMS to deliver a robust audio solution for the event
  • Concept Sonore d’Evenement supplied the technical equipment and expertise to enable the conference

Toulouse, France, May 2022 – The capabilities of the OMNEO Main Station (OMS) from the RTS Digital Partyline family were crucial to the success of a recent medical conference in France. The event saw procedures by urgent care and resuscitation professionals at Purpan University Hospital in Toulouse transmitted across the city to observing colleagues at a conference room at Hotel Dieu University Hospital. Concept Sonore d’Evenement provided the equipment and technical expertise to make the conference possible.

The event only required a small audio setup, but reliability and versatility were imperative. A key strength was the hybrid functionality of the OMS, allowing the user to convert between four different formats: OMNEO*, RVON (RTS Voice Over Network), four-wire AIO and two-wire. For this application, a fully equipped OMS in an Advanced configuration interconnected with RTS digital keypanels, a ROAMEO wireless intercom system and digital beltpacks to ensure flawless audio quality. The four available RVON ports were used to connect the two hospitals via VoIP.

“We used six KP-4016 and two KP-5032 keypanels alongside eight ROAMEO TR-1800 beltpacks and six AP-1800 access points in Purpan, connected via the OMS to KP-4016 and DKP-4016 keypanels, both with the RVON G.722 audio codec option, at Hotel Dieu,” explains Luc Filaretos, CEO of Concept Sonore d’Evenement. “We used RVON as the second channel on one of the keypanels to transmit and receive audio between Hotel Dieu and Purpan hospitals. The G.722 audio codec ensured the audio quality to do that.”

The main challenge for the project came from connection between the two hospitals. “In Toulouse all the hospitals have an intranet network, but they do not have fiber optic connections,” says Filaretos. “They use a routed network and for this reason we chose to use an RVON protocol.”

Concept Sonore d’Evenement invested in the Advanced licence for its OMS. This configuration provides – among other connectivity and capacity features – four RVON ports to be utilized for VoIP connections with other compatible equipment that uses the RVON VoIP protocol. With OMS also acting as a standalone base station for ROAMEO, it essentially formed the intercom matrix, allowing direct communication between the medical professionals at the two hospitals.

The IP configuration was handled by the hospital IT department, allowing the Concept Sonore d’Evenement team to focus on the audio element of the project. “When the IP configuration is done, the RVON protocol is very easy to use,” observes Filaretos. “The G.722 RVON codec in the KP-Series and OMS devices is a good solution for this type of event. They work very well together and the audio quality is good.”

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