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VLINK on Smartphones

VLINK on Smartphones
Figure 1. Matrix access on your smartphone
Figure 1. Matrix access on your smartphone

VLINK is the name of a product from RTS that provides matrix access from smartphones or connected laptops. With the VLINK app installed on a smartphone, it is possible to communicate with other users on the matrix system. The smartphone behaves like a portable keypanel. This is illustrated in Figure 1.


A basic VLINK system is shown in Figure 2.

The VLINK matrix software runs on a stand-alone computer. OMNEO is used to transmit audio between the matrix (an ADAM or ADAM-M) and the VLINK system. An OMNEO Matrix Interface (OMI) card gives ADAM-M the ability to use OMNEO. In the example, VLINK is also being used on a laptop. The computer running VLINK has Dante Virtual Soundcard installed, which is what allows the hardware to receive audio from any Dantecompatible device, in this case the OMI-card. Each connected device (two smartphones and a laptop, in this example) requires a valid license on the computer. The computer with the VLINK software behaves as a matrix, which is why the Trunkmaster TM-10k is required.

  • Figure 2. VLINK solution
    Figure 2. VLINK solution
  • Figure 3. Screenshots of VLINK of various device types
    Figure 3. Screenshots of VLINK of various device types

VLINK System Administration

VLINK is dynamically configurable from any workstation on the network using the intuitive web based VLINK System Administration application.

Administrators can:

  • View system runtime, number of clients connected, active audio inputs and outputs, and audio statistics from all clients, and system-activity log
  • View and change network settings, system sampling rate, and selector color schemes that indicate audio
  • View, add, edit, and delete configured users and devices and log in names, passwords, selector labels and client type.
  • Set system audio parameters and enable automatic gain control and echo cancellation per user or globally.

SIP Integration

VLINK also enables integration with SIP-based telephone systems. You can read more about that in the Application Note titled “SIP Server”. Integration with SIP-based telephone systems does not require a TrunkMaster TM-10k.